So, lent started this week, and I've actually never participated. But this year I thought... well,
maybe. Now, if you aren't familiar with Lent, it is a Christian (mostly catholic) tradition where one gives up something from Ash Wednesday until Easter (40 days). Some people think it gets them in favor with God, and I don't really agree on that part (because we are saved by faith, not works...) but I do think its good sometimes to give up something and concentrate on things with eternal value instead.
So, I started considering what I could give up. And I discovered that I'm incredibly selfish and have the willpower of...
something that has no willpower. But I finally decided on
Facebook. And I know, that makes me sound even more shallow, but
let me explain.Facebook and I have a love-hate relationship. And since giving it up, I've decided it was more an addiction than a relationship. It didn't really become an addiction until I got Facebook on my phone... and voila! the ability to know at any time what everyone is up to! Do you know how wonderful this is to a social person such as myself? It made me feel so connected to everyone and actually helped alleviate a lot of my loneliness (working at home can be incredibly lonely sometimes). So, I got on it a lot. And it didn't even seem like that much because it would always been at down times. You know, while waiting in the car pool line at Savannah's school, while giving Brooklyn a bottle, while sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office... etc. But it filled my life up with a lot of busy-ness. But I did feel all encouraged that people were praying for me and missing me and wanting to plan stuff with me... because they would contact me on Facebook.
Facebook and I also have a hate relationship though. Sometimes people on there annoy me (like, seriously, do I really need to know the boring details of what you ate for lunch?), and sometimes I've gotten my feelings hurt (hey- I'm a girl, and we are shallow sometimes). And sometimes its made me jealous of other people and all of their friends that love them and their awesome lives or their husbands that sent them flowers just because...
are you catching my drift?So, I started thinking maybe Facebook and I needed to part ways for a while. And then I thought... oh no... but then people will forget about me. And I won't know what is going on.
And then I was struck by another thought,
"Do you really love me so little?"If it was really that difficult to give up something frivolous, what did that say about my priorities? I really don't care enough about my relationship with God to give up something as small as a social networking site? Really?!
So, I kicked Facebook to the curb. I deleted the app off of my Blackberry.
Adios! I might go back after Easter. But maybe not. I kind of feel liberated. And a little lonely. But mostly just free.
And in my free time that I'm not on there reading what you are doing, I'm talking to Jesus a whole lot more. Now somebody tell me this isn't a positive change. Wanna join me and give up something for 40 days? ;)