Saturday, November 13, 2010


I love new things. Especially new years. A crisp, fresh, clean, no-mistakes made, new year. Inhale, exhale.

Twenty-four was a year of trials. Some were overcome. Others I succumbed to.

Twenty-four saw death, hospitalizations, poor choices, heartbreak, and lessons learned the hard way. But, it also saw the miraculous birth of a child, victory over seemingly insurmountable odds, admission to graduate school, unspeakable joy, forgiveness, and love that knows no boundaries.

Twenty-four, I will not miss you.

Twenty-five, I will be better than twenty-four.
Just you wait and see.

New things always involve celebration. To celebrate twenty-five, my most awesome mother in the world took me to see Carrie Underwood. We had so much fun. Some people might say, "You went with your mom?!" But I wouldn't want to spend this fun night with anyone but my very best friend for whom I am forever thankful.

To continue the celebration, we went to one of my favorite restaurants the following night with much more of the family.

Who wouldn't want to celebrate with this cutie pie?!

I am so blessed to share my life with this patient, funny man.
Even if he does like to irritate me on purpose and find it amusing.

And what is a party without cake?!

My mini-me agreed. Although, she might slightly amend my statement to, "whats a party without icing?" She is far too much like her Momma. I'm sorry, sweetie.

And sparkly presents can get the attention of any girl.
I was so spoiled by my family this year!

We partied like it was going out of style. And then collapsed. At only 6:35pm.
Its been a long week year, people.

Goodbye, twenty-four.
Hello, fresh, new, beautiful twenty-five!


Building Walls said...

Happy birthday!!! I love and am thankful for every. single. year of you :) You have no idea what a blessing you are to everyone around you... Love you!

Drew & Kari said...

SO glad you had a great birthday! That was an awesome concert to celebrate with!! :) You made me laugh-out-loud with the husband who 'likes to annoy you on purpose and thinks it is funny.' WHY do they enjoy that so?!? Thanks for being a 'forever' friend ;) I pray your 25th year is wonderful!