Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Turkey day is coming, people.

If you are like me, you are usually eagerly anticipating the sheer bliss of having that much food in one location, and you might possibly forget that the purpose is to be thankful.
We are Southern people... we live to eat.

So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, in no particular order, I present...
Things I am thankful for!

1. Debit cards. Seriously, how inconvenient is cash?! Not having to count out money while balancing a baby on your hip and worrying about who your toddler is chatting up this time is just plain wonderful.

2. Tivo. Again, how inconvenient is having to watch a show when it is actually on tv?! I could do that before I had kids. But then again I could also sleep past noon on Saturdays and go get a pedicure any time I wanted to and just run in the store without it being a major task. Those days are so over, people. There is something wonderful about putting babies in bed, grabbing a cup of coffee, and settling in on the couch for some drama that I am not involved in.

3. Google. Because when its 2 am and your 3-year-old child has croup and a temp of 104.2, it is a useful tool. Or when you want to stalk people. Not that I do that.

4. Nursing covers. When Savannah was a baby, I did this awkward thing where I tried to hold a baby and hold up a blanket and hope the blanket didn't slip, etc. Now they have these awesome things called nursing covers... and they stay put! So nice. Uddercovers.com

5. The way my sweet baby reaches up and plays with the ends of my hair while I rock her to sleep. There is nothing sweeter!

6. The humor my toddler brings to my life. Like yesterday, when she walked in the kitchen and said, "Mom, have you ever put a cat in the trashcan? I have." She never fails to make me laugh, although sometimes it is not in-the-moment laughter, but rather, after I have solved the crisis she created.

7. Online education. Because I really don't have time to go to class.

8. A solid, bible-believing church. Fellowship with that family is such a blessing!

9. The NICU. Because without it, my youngest wouldn't be here!

10. Heated seats. There is nothing worse than a cold tushie. Well, maybe a few things.

11. A mom who likes to shop. Because when she says... I need to come by because I got my babies a few things... she actually means... I got turned loose in the mall and saw tons of cute baby girl stuff, and I bought it all. Yessss.

12. Flat irons. You guys would not want to see me without one.

13. Digital cameras. Did you know in the old days that they had to sit still for hours? Thats why there are no pictures of children from back then.

14. My blackberry. I had a Droid for a while, which I nicknamed 'roid. Just think about it.

15. Disposable diapers. Enough said.

16. Hoops and Yo-yo cards. They make me laugh. And laugh. And laugh.

17. A husband with a sense of humor. He lightens up my intensity. Like the other day when I was freaking out about not having completed my research paper due on December 15th. And he laughed at me. AT me. But sometimes that is necessary.

18. Nail polish. I haven't met too many colors that I don't love!

19. Coffee. And pumpkin-spice creamer!

20. Gilmore girls marathons with my sister. There is just something comforting about being in your PJ's with an abnormal amount of Chinese food and wondering if Lorelai and Luke will ever realize that they are meant for each other.

Those are must some things I'm thankful for. Stay tuned for next Tuesday's list! What are you thankful for?!

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