Friday, April 10, 2009

Not So Good Friday

12 am - Can't sleep
2 am - fall asleep, finally
3:30 am - phone rings - mom's power is out but there is no bad weather. get out of bed, look up sheriff's number, they say a transformer is on fire, go back to bed.
4:30 am - fall back asleep
6 am - rise and shine
6:15 am - realize computer is having major issues
6:30 am - ready to kill computer, which is new, by the way
7:15 am - Savannah gets up... early
8 am - still working on computer... in the process of fixing it, deleted all outlook files
9 am - get a hold of tech support, they start working on computer
10 am - Savannah is screaming and saying her ear hurts
11 am - tech support still working on computer (getting behind on work by the minute)
11:10 am - take glasses off to put in eyedrops, set glasses in reach of toddler, toddler grabs glasses and pops lens out of them. great, now i'm blind.
11:15 am - put Savannah down for nap
11:45 am - get Savannah out of bed after she screams for 30 minutes
12:30 pm - computer is fixed! start working, running 6 hours behind...
2 pm - put Savannah down for a real nap this time
2:15 pm - try to print off work papers - discover the printer won't print.... decide to give up - who even cares anymore?!
2:30pm - police department calls - ben has been in a wreck and is on his way to the hospital
3pm - make 25 phone calls
5 pm - Ben released from hospital
6 pm - get called in on emergency to be "on call" for stats for work - on a Friday night. booo!
7 pm - eat chinese food for dinner - yum
8 pm - drop entire box of sweet and sour sauce on kitchen floor and then just stand there surveying damage - cabinets, rugs, fridge, dishwasher, floor, and self are covered in red sticky goo
8:10 pm - clean up sweet and sour sauce
8:20 pm - decide that next year on good friday, i'm not getting out of bed!


renee said...

sleep well sweetie :) :)

Unknown said...

Oh gosh.. you had a terrible day!! :( I'm sorry. Hopefully the rest of your weekend will be much, much better!

Gina said...

poor lauren!!

i hope today goes better for you.

if it helps to make you laugh, i'll let you think of my ghetto face and laugh - just once though... :) i mean, i don't want people thinking that you are crazy and just randomly laughing you know.

the mcquiddys said...

That's definitely a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day. Maybe you should move to Australia ... or just read the book. :)