Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sawdust + Daddy's Right Eye = Painful Problem

Daddy had a little accident at work yesterday that caused big problems! Some sawdust blew off of the floor into his eye! :( He came home from work and his eye was all swollen and sore and he went to Urgent Care. There, they numbed his eye and removed several pieces of sawdust from it in a minor procedure. Then they gave him some eye ointment for it and sent him home and said it should be better this morning.

Well, when he woke up this morning, it was blood red and he said it was still super painful, so Momma drove him to Urgent Care again. Then he was sent to the optometrist from there. After we got to the optometrist, he numbed Daddy's eye again and looked at it under some high powered lights where he discovered that Daddy had yet another piece of sawdust stuck in the inside of his upper eyelid and it had been scratching his cornea and had rubbed a raw spot on it! OUCH! The doctor removed the sawdust and put a protective bandage over his pupil, and gave him some antibiotics to prevent infection.

The good part is that it should not cause any long term damage because the location of the scratch is not directly in his field of vision. Whew! But, its really painful while it is healing. :( We sure hope Daddy feels better soon!!!

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