Happy Mother's Day! I hope your Mother's Day was as good as mine was! I guess this year was technically my first Mother's Day, although I considered last year my first one, because I sure was doing a lot of work making a little human! :)
Darren thought that for my first Mother's Day, I needed some kind of significant gift (yessssss!). So, on Saturday night, he presented me with a gorgeous diamond ring for my right hand. :) :) :) WOW its soooo beautiful!
He did a GREAT job!!!!
Then, on Sunday morning, we headed to church. There, every year on Mother's Day, they dedicate all of the babies born that year. We were happy to dedicate our little girl to the God that has blessed us with the privelege of raising her! How wonderfully blessed we are!
She was quite wild during the dedication, playing with my neclace, Daddy's tie, and squealing as loud as she could... and then she even stopped to wave at the crowd. What a ham!
There were a LOT of babies dedicated! We are blessed to have many friends with children her age that are going to raise them up to follow the Lord!

We all pledged a "Parent's Commitment" together. It was such a great way to start off my day!
We all pledged a "Parent's Commitment" together. It was such a great way to start off my day!
Then, when we got home, because Savannah was SO CUTE in Gymboree's "Daisy Collection," we had a photo shoot! :) I love being the Momma to this girl!
I don't know what I did before she came along!
Her Daddy loves her too!
We are one blessed family!
How could you not adore this little face?!
Then, Daddy fired up the grill to prepare lunch for our families. :)
And we had a fabulous cake that Marlene made. Mmmmmm!
There was a lot of love for the Mommas! :)
Darren loves his Momma! (By the way, we had a deal that he had to wait until after the dedication to shave his head so his hair would look nice in pictures... and he did... but he didn't wait hardly one minute after we got home!)
And I love mine!
And I love being a Momma to my little angel! :)
"The most important person on earth is a mother. She cannot claim the honor of having built Notre Dame cathedral. She need not. She has built something more magnificent than any cathedral...a dwelling for an immortal soul, the tiny perfection of her baby's body...the angels have not been blessed with such a grace. They cannot share God's creative miracle to bring new saints to heaven. Only a mother can." - Brenda Hunter, "Home by Choice"
Gorgeous ring! Good job Darren:o)
Team b.
Y'all all take such great pictures!!!!
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