Thursday, May 1, 2008

Eight Months Old

Savannah is now a big eight months old! I can't hardly believe it! It has definitely been the most fun and the most challenging eight months of my life! :) She is such a joy in our home! She is pretty good most of the time and likes to smile, wave, and entertain! :)

She loves attention and will do something repeatedly to get a good laugh out of everyone. She often surveys her audience to see how many people are paying attention, and she will squeal to get the attention of whoever isn't watching, because of course paying attention to her is the most important thing anyone could be doing! Haha.
She is quite vocal and says "Hi", "Bye", "Momma", "Uh-oh", "Yay", and "Mo-mo" (Elmo). Daddy is still waiting to her Da-da...but she hasn't attempted that D sound yet. She blows kisses, spits, waves, and claps her hands as well. :)

She has a hearty appetite and I think she's gained a good bit of weight this month. She is feeling heavier by the day and those cubby little hands and feet are growing, along with that cute little belly! :) Her favorite foods are still the sweet fruits, but this month she has also gotten to enjoy a wider variety of table food with her new teeth...and ice cream is definitely at the top of the list now. :) She also likes to make eyes at her Daddy and see if he will give her sips of his sweet tea. (He always gives in!)

She is ALMOST crawling (gets up on all fours and rocks) and ALMOST sleeping through the night (sleeps until 4 or 5 am)... those are things we look forward to this month. :)

Our prayer requests this month are:
1. Health and safety for our little girl.
2. Safety in travel to the beach at the end of the month.
3. Savannah will have a receptive heart and sweet spirit as she is learning to obey.
4. That she will one day come to a saving knowledge of the Lord!
5. The next two teeth will come in uneventfully.

Here is a goodbye kiss from Savannah! Thanks for reading and for praying for our baby these first eight months!

1 comment:

Meg said...

She looks so cute in her little sundress! It sounds like she and Karis have a pretty similar personality, so happy and wanting everyone's attention all the time :) I sure hope we can move back to Roanoke so that they can be buddies!
Meagan DeLong