Monday, January 17, 2011

Ebates - How Exciting!

Have you ever heard of ebates? Yeah, I really hadn't either. But a friend told me about it, and its pretty awesome if I say so myself. You go to their site, and then you can shop online from literally thousands of different stores... and get cash back for doing so. And its not a scam. If you want to check it out, just go to and search all of the stores you can shop from. You get a tiny percentage of your purchase back, so its not a get-rich-quick scheme, but every little bit counts, right? If you want to sign up for ebates (no purchase necessary and it takes about 10 seconds, tops) click here and I will get a referral credit. I help you, you help me, and we all are happy. :) And then I can go to ebates and buy diapers through and have them delivered to my doorstep tomorrow... use my pampers rewards points, and spend virtually nothing, and get cash back. Seriously. It just doesn't get much happier than that. Have a good Monday, people!

1 comment:

The Blogging Pastor's Wife said...

I just got my first ebates check a couple weeks ago. $8.51 isn't bad for a small amount of Christmas shopping. I will be doing more Christmas shopping through ebates next year. If you guys ever need anything at Lowes you can shop through ebates and use store pick up, and pick it up in 20 minutes. It is really cool.