Friday, October 1, 2010

Supermom = Fail

The following is a true story.

7:40 am - wake up and realize that I've overslept by an hour and ten minutes. no shower today! must have me and savannah ready for preschool in 20 minutes. looks like its a ponytail day for me!

8 am - look outside and realize its pouring rain... on grocery day. what is more miserable than loading groceries in the pouring rain?!

8:15 am - when savannah wants to wear the same thing she wore yesterday and doesn't want a bow in her hair, I decide that I really don't care. Its just preschool, and I'm tired, and its raining.

8:42 am - arrive at preschool. wonder why all of the kids are so dressed up. its preschool, for goodness sakes...but then again, all of their mothers probably didn't oversleep.

8:50 am - preschool teacher asks if I'd like to have Savannah's school picture made, in spite of the fact that I didn't turn in the form since I was gone to Jamaica. Thats why all of the kids are dressed up. sigh.

9:00 am - go to Walmart. with a fussing baby. in the rain.

10:15 am - head home, late for baby's nap. unload groceries and put her down for a late nap. realize that I forgot an ingredient for dinner. i hate that.

11:25 am - wake sleepy baby up from her nap.

11:50 am - pull back in the preschool parking lot.

12pm - leave preschool and head for home

12:05pm - realize, halfway home, that i was supposed to meet friends for lunch. turn around.

12:20pm - start thinking about the fact that I dont really have any baby supplies with me since I wasn't planning on going to lunch

12:30pm - arrive at lunch, scrounge up baby food and a bib, but no spoon

12:33 pm - borrow a baby spoon from a friend

1:15pm - head home. thank goodness its almost nap time

1:35 pm - put kids down for nap. they both get back up.

3:30pm - both kids finally fall asleep.

3:42 pm - spill a drink down my jeans. ugh.

3:44 pm - change clothes.

4:30 pm - wake kids up to go to a birthday party at 5. realize after waking them that said party is actually at 5:30. they could've slept longer.

5:00 pm- hubby calls. he is going to be late. can i take both kids to the party? sure.

5:30pm - arrive at Pump It Up. realize I forgot the nursing cover. yikes.

5:32 pm - find extra nursing cover in back of the jeep. score!

6:37 pm - notice as the birthday boy's mom is taking a group picture, that my kid is the one with the finger up her nose. awesome.

6:45 pm - birthday boy opens savannah's gift. you know, the one with a gift tag that I forgot to label. who gave him this present? that would be us.

7pm - head home with toddler on a sugar high. that was exhausting. realize halfway home that a friend is coming to visit this weekend, but i'm going to be at a women's conference. call said friend and apologize for being a forgetful overwhelmed loser.

7:30pm - hubby calls and is on his way home. just now. sigh.

8:03 pm - kids in bed. whats for dinner?

8:30 pm - baby back up. screaming. sigh.

9:30pm - baby back in bed. hi, honey, how are you today?

11pm - fall into bed exhausted.

I'm so thankful that even though I cannot be supermom, I have a God (and a husband and children) who loves me in spite of my many failures.

And tomorrow is always a new day...and holds many new opportunities for... adventures.


The Dickinson Diaries said...

you're amazing. i love you, my wonderful friend. :)

Building Walls said...

You are amazing... as a mommy, wife, and friend... and you even look good with a ponytail :) We all have those days.. glad you have them with your sense of humor intact :)

The Crockett Family said...

i love this Lauren. Thank you for sharing. :) We have many days like this...