Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mid-Week Ramblings

Brooklyn's therapist brought us this great bath chair this week, and for the first time, this girl has been able to take a bath in the tub sitting up! Since she has outgrown the newborn tub but is really unstable sitting, we usually have to cram her into the sink and bathe her there.

She gave the tub a big smile and even tolerated being splashed by big sister. Hooray!
On a sad note, poor Brooklyn is sick again. Sigh. Yesterday, I took her back to the doctor after her eye started to swell. She had a right ear infection, and a sinus infection that was causing her right sinus to swell so much that it was pushing on her eye. Ouch! And, bless her little heart, I almost didn't take her in because she really wasn't fussing much. There is proof that being too good can actually get you into trouble. They gave us some high-powered antibiotics and we are keeping an eye on things, no pun intended.
Two thumbs up for the bath chair, eight thumbs down for bacterial infections.

1 comment:

Renee said...

I am so sorry that sweet baby is sick again :( I'm praying for you all...