Eight months old - wow! Time flies!
I've had more fun this month with my sweet girl. She giggles so easily for someone who wouldnt hardly crack a smile in the beginning! Once she gets tickled at something, she just cackles, and its so much fun.
You wouldn't believe the goofy things I do to get a laugh out of this kid.
Brooklyn was sick for the first time this past month, and that was no fun. But she was still a very good baby! She didn't sleep as well, but wasn't terribly fussy.
They even drew blood at the doctor's office, and she didn't even cry! She doesn't tend to complain unless something is extreme, so I know when she has a fussy day that its really bad!
Brooklyn continues to sleep and eat great. She sleeps about 12 hours straight at night. I've started weaning her this month, and I have her down to nursing about half of the time and on preemie formula the other half. She also continues to chomp her way through a jar of food at a time, and tried the baby puffs this month, much to her liking.
No teeth have arrived yet, but once they do, this girl will probably go straight to eating steak.
She's struggled some with catching up to her age-appropriate milestones, and it is appearing that she is falling further behind as time goes on. She still struggles to sit independently, and at times she still loses control of her head. She will be seeing a new therapist today for an evaluation of her muscle tone and coordination, and we are praying for wisdom. Her pediatrician is also trying to get her neurology consult moved up sooner. While it is discouraging (and expensive!) at times, I know that God has a plan for her.
But I do have to bite my tongue every time they bring me a highchair at a restaurant and I have to explain that she cannot sit in it, and some well-meaning but tact-lacking stranger says something like, "8 months old and she can't sit in a highchair?!" Sigh. But... I'm really enjoying all of the extra snuggle time. She is such a delightful baby... we can't complain! I couldn't possibly love her more!

Here is Brooklyn is her best sit-up position, leaning on the couch cushion for stability (and hello, i-just-woke-up-face).
Happy 8 months old day, sweet girl!