I can't believe my little Brooklyn is six months old. I thought the time flew with Savannah, but it really goes twice as fast when you have two kids!
Brooklyn is such a joy. I know I say that every month, but I am just enjoying her so much. She is a content, happy, sweet little baby, and I just love my time with her.

(Ignore the "Sears" logo on the pictures... I was too cheap to buy the picture CD every time and thus copied these off of the website.)
Brooklyn can now roll over both directions any time she wants. She is quite the little roley-poley. I can put her on a blanket with toys and leave the room for a minute, and when I come back, she isn't on the blanket at all. She has just started doing the "swimming" motion on her tummy, and you know what that means... crawling will be happening soon. I am so not ready for TWO mobile kids! Things that her "case manager" for early intervention wants her to work on this month are waving, sitting up without support, and reaching for familiar people.

Brooklyn eats her solids really well. The only food she doesn't like is squash. (She takes after her daddy in just about every way!) She is still nursing and does so well with that... I've decided to continue for now. My original goal was six months, and we made it, and it really wasn't bad at all (unlike my nursing experience with Savannah), so I want to keep going and get her through the fall flu season on my antibodies. I'll probably try to wean her around December, if she doesn't wean herself before then.

Brooklyn loves her sister. She laughs and smiles at Savannah more than anyone. It is so much fun to watch them together. I don't want little B to get bigger, but I am looking forward to when the girls can play together. Brooklyn loves her Daddy too, but overall is a Momma's girl, which is fine with me. I always get a good feeling when she is fussing and I take her and she stops, or when she smiles when I walk in the room... it just doesn't get much better than that!
We are enjoying the way that Brooklyn is getting more interactive. She laughs a lot more than she used to, and a baby giggle is so adorable. She also raises her eyebrows a lot, which is funny to watch as we are talking to her. She looks around for her sister when she hears Savannah's voice (which is pretty much a constant, haha!) and smiles when she spots her. It is so fun!
We are so thankful for this sweet six-month-old girl!