Monday, August 24, 2009

Not My Child! Monday

My child did NOT leave a trail of smoothie all over TJ Maxx today while I was trying to buy a baby shower present. She did NOT refuse to leave the straw in the smoothie and pitch a fit when I put it in the cup, or when I tried to take the cup away, to the point where I just said... forget it... drip smoothie if you want. Not my child!

My child does NOT have perfect potty training days and other days where she pees all over tarnation. I'm not cluless as to how to handle this. Not my child!

My child didn't climb on my desk and jump off of it last week when I was in the other room. I did not assume that she could handle playing alone for a minute and then hear a loud crash, only to find that she had rolled the desk chair over and used it as a stepping stool. This jumping obsession is NOT going to leave her with a broken bone soon. Not my child!

My child is NOT obsessed with chocolate milk to the point where she hates "vanilla milk." When I give her white milk, she never cries and says "no-no, not vanilla. chocolate!" Not my child!

I did NOT allow my child to play with toilet paper in a public restroom today while baby Beckner made me puke. She did not leave a huge pile of shredded TP on the floor when I was finished. I did not decide that I didn't have the strength to care or that the public restroom floor was far too dirty for me to scoop it up. Not my child!

My child does NOT refuse to hold my hand in a parking lot no matter how many times I enforce that rule. She does not throw a fit in every single parking lot. Not my child.

I do NOT take so many pictures that my child has resorted to making faces like this to avoid having a picture taken. Not my child!

My child did NOT get startled over the weekend and yell "Oh my gosh!" Not my child!

My child is NOT obsessed with praying to the point where quite a few times during every meal she makes everyone stop eating, hold hands, and pray. Not my child!

Today (also in TJ Maxx, we made quite an impression), my child did not spot a teenage girl shopping with ipod headphones blaring loud music in her ears and yell repeatedly, "I can HEAR YOU!" to the point where I couldn't hardly stop laughing. Not my child!

What did your child NOT do today? I'd love to know. :) You can check out Not My Child... potty training style... on my friend Meagan's blog here.

1 comment:

Meg said...

ha, ha, Karis still fights the hand-holding in the parking lot, too. And the chocolate milk and prayer obsession is pretty funny, too. I'm going to bed in trouble once we get done potty training because Karis is going to think she should get chocolate candy all day long for the rest of her life :)