Saturday, August 15, 2009

Did you hear?

Did you listen to Savannah's announcement? Maybe you did, and you just don't speak toddler. Well, she is going to be a big sister! She clearly has no concept of what that means, but she likes to tell people anyway. :)

I tried to scan the ultrasound picture and it didn't really turn out. But don't worry, at six weeks, you aren't missing much. Baby Beckner just looks like a tiny dot. But trust me, it feels like way more than that. And it is a healthy tiny dot so far with a strong heartrate of 123 beats/min.

Anyway, our new addition will make its appearance sometime next spring, with a due date of April 8th. However, if you remember, Savannah was 15 days early and I'm not a huge fan of being pregnant (but i LOVE being a mom...), so we're hoping for the middle of March. :) I was delighted to find out that I would be huge during the coldest part of the year this time. Darren was too, considering that when I was huge in the summer last time, I required the AC to be set on 62 during the day and 58 at night. Ahem.

So, please keep us in your prayers! Pray for a healthy pregnancy and sickness to subside (ugh. I've already lost four pounds and was slightly dehydrated yesterday. but this too shall pass!) and praise God with us for this new blessing. After all...
"Every good and perfect gift is from above..."
Thank you, Jesus! :)


Randy and Lindsay said...

Congratulations!! We'll be praying for you!!

Naomi said...

Awwww! Yea!!! Congratulations! How very exciting!