Thursday, July 2, 2009


I'm published. Or something.

Wanna read it? (of course you do!)

You could click here to read the ultimate not-me list.

Or here to read how Savannah teaches me things.

Or here to look at cool pictures that Mary and I took and apparently posed for (ahem, Mary!).

And if you like all of that, you could click here to read the whole 5.2 journal.
You might see Savannah on the journal home page!

Or here to go to the main 5.2 site.

Okay now. Get clickin'! And you could always share what you know while you're at it.

I mean, if you want to. Please.

1 comment:

Meg said...

I loved your ultimate "not me" list! Can I just say that I am totally with you on ignoring pleas for help with dirty diapers? ha, ha. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Mark gets so annoyed when I tell him I see worse every day when he is basically gagging :) Too funny :)