Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Video Obsession? Maybe.

So, I came to the realization recently that I don't video Savannah enough. I'm apparently making up for it this week by supplying you with a smattering of videos. Don't complain - it may never happen again.

Savannah has a new nickname. She'll tell you about it herself.

And she has a couple celebrity appearances coming up. You know, because she is Wee Baby Miss Virginia and all. She will be in a 4th of July parade, and she has to make appearances at a few more pageants to crown winners before she gives up her title in August. And attend the taping of the actual Miss Virginia pageant. And can you believe when she gives up her title in August...that they take her to the ceremony in a limo?! I've never even ridden in a limo. It must be rough to be famous. Anyway, we've been brushing up on our stage skills in light of her newfound popularity. So I managed to get it on video for those of you who have been wanting to see her in action (ahem, Mary). This isn't her best performance, because she actually does better when she has an audience (shocking, I know!) but I still think she's a winner. Just sayin.

And then she got tired of rehearsing her pageant skills.

The end.


Anonymous said...

'ok i LOVE the videos!!! Makin my day here keep it rollin!! :) love you! Mary

Meg said...

ha, ha, I love the routine! I could never get Karis to perform on command like that! :) I love the way she gives herself chicken wings instead of putting her hands on her hips! Absolutely adorable :)