In fact, two years ago this month, I looked like this.

And I forgot how frighteningly huge that was. Yikes. And you people wonder why I don't want to pregnant again ever. Ahem.
Savannah is a delight to my heart. As tired as I am, and as much as I threaten to adopt her out, I wouldn't trade being her mom for anything.
She is joyful. She wakes up with a smile every day. She gets extremely excited over everything... small things, big things... friends or strangers. She really loves everything and everyone.
She is learning. Savannah is talking nonstop. I can understand most of what she says, but I know the average person can't yet. Her words are slowly getting clearer though. She chatters and sings constantly. Her favorite phrases and words are "mine", "Sasha sit", "no way", "oh yeah", "i love you", "go potty", "oh no!", "happy day", "mimi house", "more, please", "outside", "better", etc. She says so much now that I can't keep up with it. She is starting to put phrases together, and thats fun to hear. And it made me smile yesterday when I told her to put away her pajamas and she picked them up and put them in the drawer and said "okay, mom. better?" :) And believe me, if she says something, you must acknowledge it. Or she will repeat it. 23095340958 times.
She has also learned a few more motor skills. She can jump and hop. She can climb onto all of the furniture. She can go up and down the stairs. And she can kick a ball. I'll be working on the computer and she will come running in with a ball and set it at my feet and say "kick it, mom!" Maybe she'll be a soccer player.
Savannah loves to play outside. She can dig in the dirt for hours. She also loves water. And swinging. And just running around in general. Another thing she likes to do is "help." She claims that she is a "helper" and loves to go with me around the house as long as I give her a task of her own. She likes to pick out the dryer sheets and while I'm folding laundry and throw them away. She likes to put away her socks while I put away the rest of her folded clothes. She likes to have her own dust rag while I'm dusting. She "helps" push the vacuum. She loves to help (even when it takes five times as long to complete a task).
Savannah has a sweet, tender heart. She is affectionate and loves to be praised. When corrected, it usually hurts her feelings, but as a result, she responds quickly and is remorseful. She loves others and genuninely wants them to be happy. She gets upset when other babies cry in nursery at church and tries to comfort them. The area that she really struggles with right now is expressing her feelings appropriately. She has a massive stubborn streak (I think she got a dose from each of her parents. I've met my match with this kid.) We are learning that it is NOT okay to sit on the floor in Target and cry when we can't buy the pink sparkly shoes. Or to throw something when you don't get your way. We had to start a "time-out chair" this month while we learn to keep our emotions in check. Savannah seems to be learning that if she can't behave, she has to sit in time out, and that is NOT fun. However, sometimes it takes her a few minutes to come around and pull herself together. She can last for quite a while when she is determined. You can be praying for us as we continue to instruct her in godliness. We are so thankful for her sweet heart and pray that she continues to grow into a beautiful little girl - from the inside out.
Sheesh! I can't believe she is 22 months old. It seems like just yesterday she looked like this...

And now she looks like this!
Almost. two. years. old.