Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Date Fifty: Roll Tide!

We totally missed the one year deadline. It is looking like it is going to take 18 months instead. But can I just say that it has been a C-R-A-Z-Y eighteen months (ahem, Brooklyn, ahem)?!?! Nevertheless, we are not quitters. So we press on.

Big D has to work on my birthday, so we celebrated a week early. I told him that I wanted to watch Alabama beat LSU for my birthday. Apparently Alabama didn't get the message. But, the hubby did! He went out and bought himself an Alabama shirt (for a Hokie, that is a big step) and flew Alabama flags on his truck. Then we watched the game and ate birthday cake and drank coffee. It would've been perfect if we hadn't lost in overtime. Oh well, I'm still looking forward to the national championship rematch. ;) Roll Tide Roll!

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