Thursday, September 16, 2010

Date Thirteen: Backwards Date

This week, we went on a date backwards. We started with ice cream.
[Now thats my kind of date!]

Then, we went to the movies.
Please note that I can now use a student discount again. Yesss.

And, we ended our date with a dinner of appetizers. Yes, that is a lot of food. No, we did not eat it all. But appetizers are half-price after 9, and we couldn't decide what we wanted. All of this food for $16 bucks? Suh-weeet! Too bad one drink costs almost that much at the movies. Ha.

Please note that this was not a date recommended for the healthy eaters of this world.
Please also note that we don't normally eat like this.


Meg said...

Awesome! Sounds like a great plan :)

Building Walls said...

Not the healthy... but the HAPPY eaters of the world. Mmmmmm......... :) Looks like so much fun!!

the mcquiddys said...

I don't understand ... what's wrong with what you ate? Are spinach and archichoke dip and quesadillas not considered health food? RATS!


Oh and guess what? I actually took the swiffer duster from Haley and used it for it's actual purpose? I thought you'd be proud. :)

The Blogging Pastor's Wife said...

I love Applebees. Sounds like you all had a great time.