Friday, June 25, 2010

Four Months Old

Brooklyn is four months old today. I can't believe it. I thank God daily for this sweet little girl! She is such a delight.

Brooklyn loves to be held. She is my little cuddler. She loves nothing more than to be picked up and carried, or cuddled while Momma watches tv, reads, or does anything else! She will definitely be affectionate, which is more than fine with me. But... she is also very content on her own. She loves to lay in her bed and kick and chatter away at her mobile. She also loves to lay on a blanket and talk to her Momma or her sister. Her favorite place, besides being held, is without a doubt her bouncy seat. I was beginning to think that thing was a waste of money because Savannah wasn't a huge fan of it, but Brooklyn loves it. Every child is different!

Brooklyn continues to be a great nurser. I am very blessed by that! We still haven't tried cereal since she doesn't seem ready for it. Because she is a little bit delayed from being a preemie, we may keep waiting for now.

Brooklyn is also a good sleeper! This month, we finally got the hang of a routine. She is taking two long naps (usually 2 hours), one in the morning and one in the afternoon. She is definitely a night owl. She hates to be awake in the morning, and usually wants her nap after only being awake a little over an hour. But when it comes time for her to go to bed at night, she wants to party. I always try to get her to go to sleep around 8, but she usually doesn't settle down until around 10. But, I can't complain, because she is consistently sleeping through the night now (pinch me!). I can't hardly believe it. With Savannah, I got up through the night multiple times for nine months, until my friend Naomi convinced me to do sleep bootcamp. Finally, Savannah slept through the night. (Thank you, Naomi, for saving my sanity back then!) Brooklyn, on the other hand, just randomly started sleeping through the night, and hasn't stopped since! I didn't know babies could even do that. She sleeps from about 9:30 or 10 until about 8 am. I'm thinking about starting to wake her up earlier in order to try to bump her bedtime up earlier. Any suggestions, moms?!

Brooklyn also started rolling over this month. She can roll from her front to her back quite easily. One morning I went in her room and she was on her back (she normally sleeps on her tummy). Every morning since then, she has been on her back. So, she is a roley-poley. As far as her other motor skills, we are still working on getting her to hold her head up. She forgets to hold it up and it tends to kind of have a bobble-head effect. If she doesn't master it soon, they'll consider physical therapy. We'll see what they say at her well visit next week!

Also this month, this sweet girl has mastered social smiling and cooing. She has the cutest smile and smiles the most at her Momma. When I go get her out of bed in the mornings, as soon as she sees me, she breaks into a huge grin. It definitely makes getting up so worth it. In addition to smiling though, she took it one step further and added yet another skill to her baby resume... she laughed out loud. She has only done it twice, and believe me, I've tried a lot of silly things to try to get her to laugh again!

Time is flying by too fast, but I'm so thankful for Brooklyn's growth and progress! I can't wait to see what the next month brings...


JenHeath said...

Hey Lauren, I saw what you wrote about nursing Brooklyn on this post. I was wondering, were you able to nurse Savannah? I REALLY wanted to breastfeed, but Jackson was tongue tied and a terrible nurser (even the LC said so). By the time we had to procedure done to fix his tongue tie, he refused to latch (just screamed and screamed in frustration). So, I pumped for 2.5 weeks, then switched to formula much to my guilt and dismay. How were your experiences different, if at all? In other there hope for me with a second baby??? Let me know...feel free to write your answer on my blog since I deactivated Facebook for now. Thanks!

Meg said...

Aww, I love her little smile! She is just precious! And that is awesome that she is such a great sleeper! I wouldn't make any drastic changes because you don't want to mess that up! We started trying to get our girls to go to bed earlier sometime during the 4th month as well. But we didn't make any big changes; we would just put them down in the evenings about 15 minutes earlier and once they got used to that, we would up the bedtime by another 15 minutes til we got it where we wanted it. I remember how utterly relieved we were to finally have a little time in the evenings for just the two of us again :)

Naomi said...

She's getting so big! Oliver laughs really easy. But, I remember having to work really hard to get any laugh out of Madeline. Every child is different as you said. :) I'm glad she is sleeping through the night for you. Oliver is not doing that. And he is almost 8 months old! I can't believe I haven't done sleep bootcamp for him yet. I really need too. But, I'm glad it helped you with Savannah. :)

The Crockett Family said...

Gosh, she is so adorable! I can't believe she is 4 months old already!