Tuesday, March 31, 2009

And the answer is...

...that they don't have an answer. I got a call from the pediatric gi office today stating that, according to the labwork and test results, Savannah has a clean bill of health. Except of course, that she is still having explosive diarrhea, a distended tummy, losing weight, and has no appetite without drugs. Except for that part.

She has no food allergies, no lactose intolerance, nothing in her stool cultures, and basically all 3000 tests they can came back negative. The only thing they even remotely found was that her levels for celiac disease were slightly elevated, but not enough to diagnose her with the disease. Whatever that means. Which is good. Except that the symptoms are still there.

So, on April 24th, at 5 am, we get to journey over to the hospital where Savannah will be pretty heavily sedated and her specialist will do an upper endoscopy and colonoscopy to see what he can discover. Basically, they take a very tiny camera and take a look at all of her inner organs, intestines, fluids, etc, from the inside.

I'm tired and frustrated. I'm glad they didn't find anything, but then I'm annoyed that we now wait another month for answers. Meanwhile, my poor baby had a very rough couple of days over the weekend. On Saturday morning, she had eight episodes of diarrhea in four hours. Then on Sunday she was fine. I don't get it! Obviously, they don't either. But I wish they did. You know? :) I'm going to go cheer up now and promise to return with a happy-go-lucky post about the sweetest 19-month-old girl in the world. Okay? :)


Meg said...

Aww, I'm glad she doesn't have any of those things, but that is so tough! We will continue praying for you guys.

Unknown said...

Bless her heart, and your heart, and Darren's heart... I know not having any answers has got to be frustrating, especially when her tummy problems continue! We will keep you guys in our thoughts!

Naomi said...

How frustrating! We are still praying for little Savannah. I have another friend whose son went through this this past year. I can't remember if he was ever really diagnosed with anything either. I think it just went away. But, I will try to find out.

Marlene said...

We love you and are praying for you as we "help you wait!"
Love, Gram-B