My baby will be 17 months old at the end of the week. (Oh my word...seriously?!) For a while, I thought that she was getting so big that I wanted another baby. Now I think I'm not quite sure how I keep up with her some days! She is sooo busy!
Our biggest trial this month has been teething. Savannah is getting her little canine molars and the process has been absolutely horrible. Usually I try to make these posts upbeat and cheerful, but there is no disguising the major struggle we've had with these teeth! She has been up at night, crying during the day, biting on EVERYTHING in sight, and just generally very irritable. For a while, I thought it was a phase, but I've noticed right before she gets cranky, she usually starts rubbing her gums, biting on things, and then cranks up the volume. Needless to say, we have been doping up on the Tylenol as needed and will be having a "Welcome, Teeth!" party when this is all said and done!
Here is my sweetie chomping on a box of raisins. The box, not the raisins.

Elmo is still our daily friend. You have no idea how many days he has saved my sanity, and I will forever be grateful to dear old Elmo for calming and entertaining my cranky toddler on the crazy days. :) And, he is educational! Savannah can now count to three thanks to our buddy Elmo. (I don't normally let her stand this close to the tv, by the way.)

This next picture so describes Savannah's favorite parts of life - her books, and her milk. She is still drinking soymilk due to her allergy to cows' milk, but we've started to cut back some so that she will eat other foods. She does not like eat anything really, so we've had to start making her eat before she gets any milk. The foods she likes are few and far between, but they are raisins, banana, mandrin oranges, french fries, peanut butter, bread, spaghetti, spaghettios (woman after my own heart), macaroni and cheese, cheese slices, crackers, ice cream, and sometimes mashed potatoes. Other than that, you better not try to feed her anything, because its coming right back at ya. :)
She loves to read her books, and is always bringing me a book and then wanting to climb up in my lap. We've started to read her Bible stories out of her first little Bible, and she sits pretty still for them. I love the cuddling that goes along with reading to my girl!

Savannah is also quite the explorer. Anything that opens, shuts, pulls out, rolls, pops, etc... it will be explored to its full potential. Now that she knows how drawers, cabinets, curtains, etc, work, you would not believe the household items we have found in odd places. (Tennis shoes in the bathtub, anyone? How about cups in the trashcan? Or toilet paper in my purse?) Luckily she hasn't smashed very many fingers in the process.

And this last one is just perfect. The elliptical, which we have gone over several times as being off limits, and she has gotten like 10539749 spankings for climbing on... is being stood upon... and she has her hands on her hips, no less. And spaghettios on her face. What in the world do I do with this?! I've decided there are days you just have to laugh and give them a kiss. Because in a few years, she'll be texting and wanting to go to the movies (but not with BOYS!) and I won't be able to kiss her cute little spaghettio-covered mouth while she grins at me like I'm the coolest person in the world for letting her stand on the elliptical.
I can't believe she's already 17 months old!