Savannah is sleeping wonderfully now! She sleeps from about 8:30pm-9:30am... yep thats right, a whole 13 uninterrupted hours! :) Its absolutely wonderful and I am SO thankful! I can't believe how much I can accomplish now... I don't know how I survived those very difficult newborn days when sleep was a rare comodity.
Savannah is into everything now! She can crawl at a record speed, pull up on virtually anything, cruise around the tables and grab anything off of them, and even stand for a few seconds by herself. It is amazing how much more she seems like a toddler and less like a baby now. I can't believe this time last year I was waddling around with the air conditioning on as high as it would go, wishing a little baby would join us, and now that little baby is getting around quickly and into everything. She still hates to be restrained, especially in the carseat. She does pretty well in the stroller for short distances of time. The above picture is her sleepy look after an evening at the made her daddy and I laugh. :)
Savannah is blessed to have a very caring family. She spends a good amount of time with Mimi and Mawmaw both, and loves to be babysat by them! :) I'm glad I have good babysitters that Savannah loves.
Savannah's new words this month were "Sasha" and "Grandad." :) She is babbling almost constantly and also makes some funny sounds. It is quite entertaining.
Savannah's favorite foods are macaroni and cheese, ice cream, and pears. She loves to feed herself and won't hardly eat from a spoon anymore. She makes a mess, but she enjoys it!
I absolutely love being a mom to this little girl and consider her to be such a blessing! :)
Some things you can be praying for this month are that Savannah will continue to develop a sweet and obedient spirit. She has done very well so far with obeying the word "no" (after a few spankings anyway!) and we really hope it will stay that way. You can also pray that she will continue to be physically healthy, and of course, for her salvation one day. Thank you for your prayer support! :)
Finally, I hope you enjoy this cute video of Savannah laughing at hot wheels cars zooming across the table! I love to hear her laugh. :)
1 comment:
10 Months!? Goodness gracious this past year has flown!!!!
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