Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday Morning Adventure.

Do you have something you are afraid of?
Like... pee in your pants afraid of?!
I do.
I fear mice.

Let me tell you about my adventure this morning.
You see, we seem to have a very inviting house. We invite both sugar ants and mice, apparently.
I blame it on the toddler and her crumbs. [Insert the fact that I found Teddy Grahams in the basket of clean laundry last night.]

Anyway, its not just us, in case you wondered. Our neighbors warned us that this is a great neighborhood in which to live... if you can handle poison ivy, sugar ants, and mice, on occasion.
Lets talk about this on occasion part. I thought on occasion meant... not very often. Not like mice having babies in your house. Not like setting mousetraps as a nightly routine. Ahem. But I suppose it is better than our old neighborhood where we dealt with... rotweilers, drug dealers, and child protective services. [Not like dealt with as in... did business with. Dealt with as in... tolerated.]

Anyway, back to my adventure. This morning, after sleeping blissfully late (thank you, Savannah!), we were happily enjoying our breakfasts in front of the television watching Sesame Street. And then.

There was a noise.

Something was alive in the kitchen.

So...I did what any responsible Mom would do.
I avoided the kitchen until we got thirsty. I bravely ventured in.

And to what did my wondering eyes then appear? A moving mousetrap. Uhm, freaky.

And by moving I mean.... angrily running into walls. Not like... a mild wiggle. Like a sprinting, mad mousetrap. Uhh, this wasn't covered in the stay-at-home-mom handbook.

I know, I know. You want to know what the hero of the story did, right?
I considered sweeping it out the door with a broom. But what if it comes unattached from said trap and... bites me? So then I considered getting a bucket and trapping it under that. But that would require sweeping it out into the open floor, where it could run. Hmm.

So, I took a picture and I blogged. And am considering a mighty plan of action.
[Perhaps it will stay until the hubby comes home, maybe?!]
Every day is an adventure.

UPDATE: Mouse = dead. Uncle Ben = hero. Hip hip hooraaaay!


Building Walls said...

so I'm soooooooo sorry about this um... adventure... but I'm soooooooo glad that God has gifted you with a sense of humor and a talent for writing because that just made me laugh out loud. ALOT. :) I love you. (But you're on your own with that mouse thing...... ;)

Naff News said...

I'm with mary... :) good luck!

Meg said...

The visual thought of the mouse in the mousetrap running around, banging against the walls, just about did me in. My husband thought I had gone crazy when I started laughing so hard. There were tears. Thanks for a good laugh. And I'm glad it was you and not me! Hope any others got the message!