Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Toddler Talk

Savannah: (at 4 am) "Guess what?"
Momma: "What?"
Savannah: "I sleep good!"

Savannah: (at 5 am) "Guess what?"
Momma: "What?"
Savannah: "I love you too more!"

Momma: "Savannah, you need to obey Momma or you will get a spanking."
Savannah: "Momma, you need to be really, really nice, okay?!"

Savannah: "I'm really hungry. I need lots of cookies, okay?"
Momma: "No, you don't need lots of cookies. How about a different snack?"
Savannah: "I'm so hungry! I need lots of cake, okay?"


Meg said...

Ha, ha! I love it that she told you to be nice when she deserved a spanking!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious and cute all at the same time!!