Saturday, November 22, 2008

Talk the talk...

Savannah has really picked up her vocabulary this week. Popular words are:

"Heeeeey!" - Said everytime she sees someone new.

"Hot, hot, hot." - She points at the fire in the fireplace and says that.

"Ho, ho, ho." - Said when you ask her what Santa says.

"Pleee" - Code word for please. Said anytime she wants anything really bad.

"Tha-ooooo." - Code word for thank you. Said anytime you give anything to her or take anything from her.

"Pretty" - Said everytime she sees flowers. I used to say, "Savannah look at the pretty flowers" and now she thinks flowers are called "pretty."

"Oh-oh." Code for uh-oh. Said anytime she purposely throws anything in the floor.

"Baaaah." - Code for bye. Said anytime we leave anywhere.

She understands even more than she can actually say. She attempts to say almost everything we say now, and a lot of times she will do something to indicate that she understands. The newest one is... I will say, Savannah, did you go potty? And she'll grab her diaper to show she needs to be changed. This kid is way too smart for my own good! :)

1 comment:

Meg said...

Isn't it so much fun when they learn a new word? It just makes my day! And their versions are so cute to hear :)