Tuesday, November 4, 2008

All I want for Election Day Is... Six More Teeth!

Our sweet little girl has been a complete bear lately. In fact, Saturday was terrible. I told Darren I was on the verge of just sitting her in the crib for a little bit because I didn't think I could take it much longer. She cried and cried, and nothing would make her happy. Finally, at dinner, I got a good look in her mouth and discovered just what the problem was. Would you be a little grumpy if you went from six teeth... to twelve teeth... in one weekend?! She cut her last two top primary teeth, and her four one year molars at the same time, apparently. They are almost through except for one, and that one is just really red/white and swollen. I am relieved that in about a week we will be done with teething for a while!

And, since you are on the computer using your spare time to read this, I assume you've already voted. But if not, consider this your friendly reminder to go exercise your freedom of choice... and if you are undecided, feel free to vote McCain-Palin. :)


the mcquiddys said...

Done and Done!!! :) thank you Savannah for the friendly reminder!

Meg said...

Wow, way to get them over with at once! Karis never did more than 2 at a time; I can't even imagine how fussy she must of been. Glad you will be getting a break from it soon!
Meg D

Anonymous said...

Poor girl! We go for our flu shot tomorrow...boo! Just Anna not us big kids. Pray for us at 10 am :o) And doesn't a lollipop make the world a better place...or a milkshake. We opted for a sonic vanilla milkshake. I was def. the mom that put it and some milk in her sippy....shhh! Ha ha!

Team B.