Monday, April 23, 2012

Life in the Medical Ward... Otherwise Known As Our Home

I'd be lying if I said I haven't wondered the past few weeks what in tarnation I've done to deserve this.  A baby at home on IV antibiotics while I'm getting phone calls about discussing neurosurgery... and now an invalid husband (which we all know is far worse than a sick child!)... what. in. the. world.


 Big D has a probable torn quad after landing under a 350-pound football player during a game in New York City.  I should've known that a trip to the Yankee capitol wouldn't end well for the southern boy.  I don't understand why it wasn't his arm.  God really has a sense of humor... since nobody can carry the poor injured big boy around.  He's been making use of painkillers and bags of frozen veggies on his HUGE knee, and awaiting MRI results to determine if surgery is necessary.  And we are more than a little bummed that this use of his PTO will most likely prevent him from accompanying us to the beach this summer.  Boo!  But I am thankful that he has had enough PTO to cover the three weeks he has been off work so far. 

This girl has been keeping me company with her nonstop cheerful chatter.  We took a little trip up the road last week to see a urologist since she's had frequent peeing issues as long as we can remember.  She entertained everyone in the office with her descriptions of her issues.  "I pee like always.  Like I can't even finish Olivia and then I have to pee.  And sometimes I have accidents if my mom doesn't pause my movie in time because I hate to miss anything."  Or... my personal favorite... "I don't poop every day.  But sometimes it builds up and when I poop, its so big that it sticks up out of the toilet in the air."  Hmm, I must've missed that.  Her issue ironically did turn out to be a poop issue... she is extremely the point that it is compressing her bladder.  I felt really bad when I saw the x-ray... but she's never complained of constipation before so I'm not sure how I would've known that she was so full that poop overlapped her ribcage.  Go figure.  At any rate, that is a fairly easy fix... laxatives and some dietary changes.  

 There's been a lot of Dora watching in our house.  And snuggling.  And hanging out at home.  Which is better than in the hospital.

And with only one more week of  IV antibiotics to go... this girl is feeling great!!!  And her silly personality is out in full force.  I can't hardly keep up!  In that first picture... she may or may not have gotten busted for stealing a cookie.  I'm so happy that the girl who had a feeding tube a few months ago is now sneaking chocolate chip cookies!!! 

So that is what is happening in the medical ward that we call our home.  But, it could be far worse, and we have much to be thankful for.  At least we are all invalids who love each other.  :)  

1 comment:

Meg said...

Girl, y'all have had quite the time of it! Apparently the hidden constipation is a common problem for kiddos...Karis gave us quite a scare when she was just over two because the doctor found a lump in her belly and thought it was cancer... turned out it was just a rock hard ball of poop that had been building up for a while... she went regularly so we had no idea! Doc said that she just wasn't sitting there long enough to get it all out and it was building up. We felt awful, too. But relived. Better that than a bladder problem! Hope your life calms down soon, though!