Sunday, April 15, 2012

All in a Week.

I am happy to report that in just under a week we have gone from this...

To this...

To this!

It is so nice to be at home getting IV antibiotics instead of in the hospital. However, I will admit that this PICC and I have a love-hate relationship. I love that it is making Brookie well and allowing her to stay at home... and sit on her deck in her Dora chair and enjoy the sunshine. I hate that it bleeds a lot and requires trips to the ER every couple of days to get the dressing changed...because it never seems to bleed the bandages off until our home health nurse is done working for the day. Sigh. But we will soldier on... 7 days down, 14 to go! And this girl is looking better and better... in my extremely biased and unmedical opinion. ;)

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