This sweet girl is such a delight. I can't believe another month has passed. They grow up waaaay too fast!!!
This month, Brooklyn started solid foods. And the kid hasn't met a food she doesn't like! She is still sleeping very well, although not always through the night (I spoke entirely too soon on that one.) She sometimes sleeps through the night, and sometimes gets up once, but she is going to bed a little earlier (around 8), so that makes our lives in the evenings a whole lot easier!

Her head control is getting better and she is now able to sit in her sister's old highchair if it is leaning backwards a bit. That makes it much easier to feed her.

Excuse the food on her face in the above picture... I told you she loves to eat! :) She is just the best baby. If she fusses at all, she has a dirty diaper or it is time to go to sleep. She is so low maintainence (read: total opposite of her older sibling, ha ha!). A highlight of Brooklyn's month was that she got her ears pierced. She did not cry AT ALL, but just blinked and it was over. And now she looks super cute and girly... and no one has asked yet if she is a boy, thank goodness.

This girl is a delight and I'm honestly enjoying every minute of her. Her little smile can light up a room. So thankful for this adorable little blessing!
PS- I've recently been told a lot that Savannah resembles her Momma, and Brooklyn is taking after her Daddy. What do you think?!