Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful for Progress

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I'll be blogging some things I am thankful for.
Today I am thankful for progress.

I'm thankful for one day at a time.
I'm thankful for baby steps.
I'm thankful for first words and silly smiles.

I'm thankful that one year ago this girl had a feeding tube taped to her face and there was talk of a g-tube surgery being scheduled.
And one year later... no tube... graduated from feeding therapy...and look. at. the. belly.

I'm thankful that the sense of humor shines through without words.
I'm thankful for the laughs I get to share with this girl every day.

I'm thankful that at least some of the time we are brace-free.
Even if we do insist on wearing pink shoes every. single. day.

 I'm thankful for the terrible twos.
Because they are very developmentally normal.
And normal is so nice.
And the pout is even kinda cute sometimes.

I'm thankful for fearlessness.
I'm thankful that despite all she has been through, she knows she is safe.
I'm thankful for her brave, tough, strong spirit.

Mostly I'm just thankful for that silly girl.
And her progress.


Katie said...

Oh, that little belly is just so sweet and beautiful!

Mom/Mimi said...

I'm so very thankful too so ditto. I a huge fan of pouting, you know. She had to get something from her Mimi, right?