Thursday, July 7, 2011

Freaked Out.

I'm a little freaked out, people.

I'm a planner. The hubby highlighted the wrong days in my planner the other week and we had a little spat about it. I things to be very planned, scheduled, and prepared for. I like them to go seamlessly. I think God gets a really big kick out of this...I probably serve as entertainment for the angels quite often.

The hubby recently had a career change. And I'm so thankful he saw clearly that he other job was stressing our family nearly to a breaking point, and was man enough to stand up and say thats enough. But I digress.

Because of the career change, and the job change, there was a little break in paychecks. Or a six week break... but who needs specifics. And because we have never been particularly good at saving money, and because the jeep needed repairs, and because of other factors, we didn't exactly have a nest egg. Eh, its overrated.

So when D informed me yesterday that he wasn't going to get paid until the 22nd instead of the 15th, as I planned, I started to get a little hyper. By the time we paid our house payment, there was going to be no extra cash for the jeep payment. I had no good plan.

As I was getting the laundry out of the dryer, I realized I hadn't gotten the mail in a few days. So I slipped out the door and walked across the street to the mailbox, fetched the mail, and brought it back inside to open it. I noticed there was a letter from the bank that has our jeep loan. That is odd, I thought. Curiously, I tore open the envelope and there was a letter informing us that we have now had our loan for a year and have made our payments on time every month, so as a reward they were offering us a chance to skip July's payment, if we wanted to.

Seriously? I'm a little freaked out.

I love it when God tips my life upside down and then rights it in a better way than I could have ever planned. God is awesome, and I'm thankful for every time He does that, even if I do protest every single time my world is rocked. Maybe one day I'll learn. Hopefully.


Drew & Kari said...

Definite chills... I love how god takes care of us!

Beth Simmons said...

Thanks for sharing. That is just so cool!!

Building Walls said...

This is AWESOME. Thanks so much for sharing!! God is so good. Love you so much.

Mom said...

Amazing...He is continually and consistenly amazing.