Thursday, December 9, 2010

Only a few more days...

I've been absent. Did you miss me?

I will be so glad when this week is over. You heard me right, Miss I'm So Excited About Grad School. But, quite frankly, that was back when I was bored and didn't have so many therapy appointments and what not. But alas, now I have a messy house, lots of appointments, and two research papers and an exam due Tuesday. And I've written a rough draft of one paper... which is now 13 pages long... so I need to come up with some more wordiness for that one... which shouldn't be an issue. At all. And then I will have to edit it (or sweet-talk my stepdad into doing it) and type up my sources. Deep breath. But... the other paper and the exam... I haven't even started on. Seriously. So, all of that to say... please hold while I go deal with my boring real-life stuff with my real-life attention, and then... after December the 14th... I will be FREE. Until the third week of January.

In the meantime, hold on to your hats, because tomorrow I have the distinct pleasure of bribing... I mean talking... Baby Miss Roanoke Valley into riding in a Christmas parade with her sweet face on, waving and smiling at everyone... tomorrow... in the 20 degree temperatures. It promises to be, at the very least, mildly entertaining. Being a celeb ain't easy, people. All that to say, I will have pictures to post when my real-life calms down.

But to tide you over, I shall close with story time. You're welcome.

This morning, when I dropped Savannah off at school, her teacher returned my Ipod to me. Obviously, I was a bit surprised and confused. Uhm, thank you? She explained... Savannah brough this to school on Tuesday and pulled it out of her pocket and was "talking on her phone" with it. I told her we better put it away because Mommy might want it back. Awesome. And I didn't even know it was missing.

Ahem. Now, back to researching...
Global Terrorism, Fear, and the Media.
You know you're jealous.

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