Brooklyn is two months old! I can't believe it. Time is flying!

I love this girl's chubby cheeks. I just think they're so cute!
Brooklyn hasn't changed a whole lot in the past month, but that is fine with me! She has continued to be a fabulous nurser, and for the most part is a good sleeper (although we have had a few more long nights this month). She loves to hear her sister talk, to lay on a blanket and kick her legs, and to sit in her vibrating bouncy seat. She has also been to both the church nursery and the nursery at the gym this month and has done great in both places.

She is very flexible and laid-back. And she loves to be held. And I'm not complaining.
She has gained weight, but is still wearing newborn clothes. I have a feeling she will be a little behind on sizes for a while, but thats okay. I've always wished I could keep them little longer anyway. She has her two month appointment tomorrow, and we'll find out how much she weighs then.
Brooklyn occasionally coos and very rarely smiles, but I think those things will change in the next month or so. Her premature "adjusted age" is only two weeks right now, so she is definitely ahead of that, even if she isn't quite up there with her peers yet.

This girl brings a lot of joy to my life. And even at 3 am, I wouldn't have it any other way! I sure do love this sweet two month old!