Thursday, January 13, 2011

Overheard At My House

Savannah: "Watching movies with my daddy makes my heart happy."

Savannah: "Momma, when you don't let me eat just potato chips, you make me grouchy and angry and very mad!"

Momma: "Were you good at school today?"
Savannah: "Yes."
Momma: "Did you obey?"
Savannah: "Well, I disobeyed a little. But I obeyed a whole lot!"

Savannah: "I'm going to lay down, but I'm not going to close my eyes, because if I close my eyes, I will go to sleep, and I just hate that."


gbt mops said...

I love her. :) Wish we saw her more often!!

Mimi said...

My favorite age for this very reason. So funny to hear what they have to say.

Renee said...

You child has summed up my life a little bit perfectly...I might disobey - but I obey a lot! hehe