Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Morning Musings [Completely Random]

I attended the extraordinary womens conference this weekend. If there is one in your area, you should totally go! I had a great time reflecting, praising, being encouraged, and learning a lot! And my hubby kept both kids all weekend successfully, giving me a much-needed break! I'm so thankful! [side note - he did claim that being a mom every day would be exhausting, though!]

This week marks halfway through semester one of grad school! This week is fall break. Let me rephrase. I get Friday off for fall break. But, since I don't actually go to class anyway, and I still have the same amount of homework this week, fall break is really nonexistent. That was kind of a bummer. On the upside... I'm very much looking forward to Thanksgiving break.

Savannah said ALL of the Cubbies verses she's ever learned last night. Apparently, she got on such a roll that the leader let her review all of the verses, which she did, word for word. Now explain to me why that child can't remember what I tell her to do. Interesting.

Darren and I are both getting ready to turn 25. We had to renew our drivers licenses. That made me feel old(ish). The bright side of that is that everyone thinks Darren is in his 30's, and I still get be in the mall... late without my parents. Apparently I look 15. Sweet.

Brrr. Its freezing outside. And I love it.

Savannah says the funniest things nowadays. She just cracks me up (when she isnt making me crazy). I like age 3 better than 2. Yesterday I told her she was one of my favorite people and she said, "wow! seriously?! youre my favorite too...except for mimi and gramb and aunt em and becca and liz and Barbie...and..." so I'm like her tenth favorite...

Does anyone else lose socks? Seriously, where do they go? I know I just bought Savannah a package of socks, but today I can't find any. I think there is a black hole that takes socks captive. Socks, ink pens, and pacifiers. They just disappear.

I just started the book "Love and War" by John Elderedge this weekend and I'm hooked.

I'm getting really tired of breastfeeding... but then I feel selfish when I think about quitting... but I'm getting really tired of it... sigh.

Is anyone else's house always messy? Like as soon as you get it cleaned?

Lightbulb moment: This weekend at the conference, the theme was powerful peace. We talked a lot about our fears and anxieties as women. One of the main fears of a woman is rejection/abandonment... but 1 John 4:18 says that perfect love casts out fear. I've always heard that verse used as a motivation for witnessing... if you love God perfectly, you won't be afraid to witness to others. But... I never realized that verse could be talking about how God loves us perfectly... so we have no need to live in fear of rejection and abandonment... because He will never reject or abandon us! So we can live with our hearts open... and embrace the beauty of vulnerability. That is easier said than done, but I'm working on it!

I've had the song, "I am a friend of God" stuck in my head all morning. Now THAT is a good way to start off a Monday!

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